How to Repair Stress Cracks on Car Door Glasses
Cracks in the car door glasses are a common problem. The cracks can be found on these windows because of their exposure to the elements and because of frequent opening and closing. Luckily, there is an easy way to fix them. Here are some auto glass repair tips to consider for door glasses with stress cracks:
Use sandpaper to remove old paint.
Sand the stress cracks with sandpaper to remove old paint, then clean them with acetone wipes. Use a rag soaked in lacquer thinner to wipe away any dust or residue from your car door glasses. Make sure to do it gently to avoid cracks from getting worse during the process.
Use laquer thinner to clear out any remaining residue.
Now that you’ve cleaned out the cracks, it’s time to prepare your door glass for primer and paint. Before you do this, however, make sure that you have removed all residue from the cracks. Lacquer thinner is best for this purpose. It will cut through any grease or oil left behind by solvents like lacquer thinner itself.
Wipe away any dust or residue left behind.
Use a rag soaked in lacquer thinner to wipe away any dust or residue that remains on the glass. You may also use a brush if the crack is large. A vacuum cleaner can help remove dust from cracks that are too small for you to reach with your fingers, but don’t use too much lacquer thinner because it will cause more problems later on when you apply new paint to your car door glasses!
Apply a coat of primer and let it dry.
Finally, apply a coat of primer and let it dry for 24 hours. If you have access to a paint booth, this is the best time to use it. But if not, just make sure that you’re in an area with good ventilation so you don’t get any fumes from the primer or paint on your face or lungs.
If you need repairs for your car’s door glass here in Lavon, TX, you may contact Kingsmen Auto Glass for professional auto glass repair services. Call us at (469) 338-7639 today!